Wrote this Jan.1, 2020. Not sure why I didn’t post it but no better time than now to remind myself of these goals and share them.

There is nothing more valuable than your time. Here are some of the broad strokes for how I plan to approach this new decade.

  1. Family
    I have two great boys and an amazing wife. The boys are 6 and 9, being present with them as they grow up is a number one priority.

  2. Learning
    I have been 100% focused on the strategy, design, development, and deployment of iOS and Android apps for the past decade. For the first part of 2020, I’ll be spending time researching topics that I care about, but have not put time into. Some are purely for personal enrichment like 🎸, while other topics I plan to research may result in a service/product/invention, something I can pour some valuable effort into. Information distribution, climate change, and family needs in the digital age are a couple to start.

  3. Building
    One thing I missed as my job went from software engineer to sales to culture was building things in code. In the last 6 months, I spent time working on a lot of quick turn prototypes and it was really enjoyable. I want to catch up on my framework of choice, Rails, and also try to understand some of the newer trends in development that I have prejudice for.

  4. Traveling, The Right Amount
    I love to travel. But for the past decade, it was too much travel. A majority of it was for work which meant less time with my family. I will travel in 2020, but not hit top tier status with travel providers and that is ok.

  5. Exercise
    🎿 🏄🏽‍♂️🚴🏼🤿